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Onalabs Wins DRAC Awards in the Technological Innovation Category

blog guantadors premis DRAC 2

RAC1 has organized the first edition of the DRAC Awards with the aim of recognizing individuals, initiatives, organizations, and projects that have driven changes and improvements in our society and have become references over the past year.

Onalabs has won in the Technological Innovation category, along with seven other winners in the following categories: The Roca brothers, DRAC Award for Sustainable Career; the app Too Good To Go, DRAC Award for Sustainable Project; actress and singer Jedet, DRAC Award for Identity and Gender; Timpers, DRAC Award for Lifestyle Innovation; Manoli Pulpillo, DRAC Award for Soulful Stories; and actress and comedian Judit Martín in the popular vote category “Tots som 1.”

The DRAC Awards ceremony will be held on April 4 at the Auditori de Barcelona.

More information: RAC1 anuncia els guanyadors dels Premis DRAC

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