Reinventing health, redefining your future

Onalabs has been the winning startup of the Andorra Challenge “Richi Entrepreneurs Boston Immersion Program 2021”.

blog premio Richi 2

Onalabs Inno-Hub has been selected by Andorra Research + Innovation and Richi Entrepreneurs to participate in a two-week immersion program in Boston, to get to know the local health innovation ecosystem. This will allow us to acquire new insights into the application of home hospitalization and sports medicine products, establish contacts with new investors, and add more value to our sensory bioengineering devices.

Thanks to the other members of the jury, Andorra Business, SAAS – Servei Andorrà Atenció Sanitària, and Scale Lab Andorra, for trusting in our project.

Onalabs guanya el premi Richi Entrepreneurs (

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