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Onalabs obtains funding to develop the MONCLAS scientific project, along with CAR Sant Cugat and INEFC

Onalabs is celebrating good news. Recently, we have secured funding from the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Tourism (MINCOTUR) in the 2020 innovation grants call, thanks to the support of INDESCAT, the Catalan sports industry cluster. The MONCLAS scientific project, which received the highest evaluation among those submitted by INDESCAT, is driven and led by us, along with CAR Sant Cugat and INEFC. Its aim is to develop a 100% reliable system for measuring athletes’ lactate levels in real-time and non-invasively.

Traditionally measured through blood extraction, this project will analyze athletes’ sweat composition during training sessions. It will utilize highly advanced technologies such as microfluidics, sensing, flexible electronics, and artificial intelligence. MONCLAS will continuously compare its results with those obtained through the traditional method (blood extraction) through bioequivalence.

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